norma gibson

Norma Gibson: Age, Height, Weight, Wiki, Bio and Know about Tyrese Gibson’s ex-wife

Have you heard of Norma Gibson? She was the first wife of Tyrese Gibson, the talented actor, singer, and songwriter we all love. Tyrese is an entertainment powerhouse who achieves amazing things. I’m talking about his chart-topping RnB songs and his notable appearances, especially as Roman Pearce in the “Fast and Furious” franchise. Quite fascinating, 


NameNorma Gibson
Date of birth March 1, 1981
BirthplaceLondon, England
Age42 years old
Birth signpisces
NationalityAmerican, Israeli
Net worth$20,000-$50,000 (approx)

Norma Gibson Early life 

Norma Gibson Early life 

So, let’s dive into Norma Gibson’s background a bit. Picture this: Norma Mitchell came into the world in 1981 in London, United Kingdom. Yep, she’s got that British citizenship going on. Now, an interesting twist – her mom’s from Israel, giving her a cool mix of roots. So, you could say she’s a bit of a mixed-race gal.

Norma Gibson Career 

Norma Gibson’s career isn’t exactly newsworthy, but her relationship with Tyrese Gibson, an American actor and singer, is.

Let me share a 2018 revelation that raised eyebrows. It revealed that Norma Gibson wasn’t interested in working despite a court order for child support from her marriage to Tyrese. She had to work for their child’s well-being, but she wasn’t enthusiastic. The kicker: her legal team reportedly filed court paperwork arguing that her seven hours caring for their toddler make her incredibly busy and “living life.” Quite the surprise, huh?

Norma Gibson’s Age

London’s charming streets welcomed Norma Gibson on March 1, 1981. At 42, she is a living monument to the tapestry of experiences and stories that have stitched her intriguing path. A verse was written each day in her magnificent book, presenting a picture of a life as rich and diversified as the city where her story began.

Norma Gibson personal life

Norma Gibson personal life

In 2007, actor Tyrese Gibson and Norma Gibson married, leaving Norma Gibson pregnant. Actor and singer Gibson was Norma’s first spouse. His most famous role is in “Fast & Furious.” Norma’s marriage to Tyrese Gibson raised her social status. Shayla Gibson, their daughter, was born from this connection.

However, their marital affairs remained secret until their 2009 divorce petition. Norma Gibson eventually spoke up in 2015, revealing the complexity of child custody and her ex-husband’s alleged mistreatment.

The couple’s turbulent divorce story dominated American media, including several publications. The ex-paramours fought over custody of their beloved children. The court first granted Shayla Gibson’s mother interim custody. This ruling infuriated actor Tyrese Gibson. Gibson hired a private investigator to secretly monitor his ex-wife and their children, leading to the court ruling.

Norma Gibson accused her ex-husband of physical abuse while she was pregnant with Shayla. The ex-spouse was accused of physically abusing the youngster in a more serious incident. Gibson admitted to hitting Shayla’s rear, but adamantly denied the rest of his ex-wife’s accusations.

The star must stay 100 yards from his ex-wife and children.

In 2017, Gibson revealed his marital objectives in an interview, a turning point in the judicial process. He said he married Norma because of the upcoming parenthood and her unhappiness in their marriage. Gibson stated bluntly: “I married you to keep you in the nation. We were blissfully married, therefore I never married you. Londoner you. I married you because we were having a baby and I had to do what I had to do to avoid travelling to London to watch my baby.”

The intricate story of a marriage, celebrity, legal battle, and personal epiphany is woven into this novel.

Norma Gibson Height and Weight

Norma Gibson Height and Weight

At 42, Norma Gibson has built a life of stories. She stands at 5 feet 7 inches and weighs 117 pounds. Further examination of her face reveals a fascinating charm and statuesque elegance that rivals the most discriminating beauty standards.

With an enigmatic atmosphere that might enhance a model’s face, Norma is magnetic. Her face characteristics blend to create a memorable look. Her eyebrows and eyes are intriguing.

Norma’s brown wavy hair tells its own story. Each curl tells a story of strength and vibrancy, expressing her individuality. Her brown eyes match her thick hair, reflecting her experiences.

Not just her appearance reflects her essence. Norma’s body shows her commitment to health and well-being. Her body is a live example of self-care, attracting adoration.

Norma Gibson was an actor’s spouse, hence her life has been tied to Hollywood. She has lived through the highs and lows of celebrity marriage, adding to her story.

Thus, Norma Gibson’s life is a canvas of years and stories, each curve a brushstroke in her masterpiece.

When did Tyrese and Norma Gibson first meet?

Fate connected the actor’s ex-wife with Tyrese in 2002 while studying in London. Her academic concentration has been kept secret. The two spirits linked at this point, starting a loving adventure.

A courtship that sparked their love led to life-changing decisions. After meeting Tyrese, Norma decided to move to Los Angeles with him. This decision began a stage in which Norma Gibson and her boyfriend quietly built their connection.

As their love grew, the pair decided to upgrade their relationship. This growth culminated in a 2007 private wedding that sanctified their love. Norma and her ex-husband chose to keep their marriage private, but they did appear together in public.

After the birth of their daughter Shayla Gibson in the same year, their story changed. The harmony of their marriage faded, casting shadows on their love. Discord reached a peak in 2009 when the couple decided to sever their legal connection.

Their story exemplifies the intricacy of human relationships, from fortuitous beginnings to the rich tapestry of emotions that linked them and ultimately broke them up.

Tyrese Gibson’s daughter Shayla Somer Gibson is under her father’s Custody

Tyrese and Norma Gibson fought over custody of their daughter Shayla after their 2014 divorce. Complex and acrimonious, their post-marital relationship generally involves their daughter.

Tyrese and Norma’s custody struggle for Shayla Gibson, a little girl caught in their problems, has garnered media attention. Their child custody disputes have intrigued the public. The court decides who raises the girl.

The legal situation involves complex emotions and legalities. A vital PMG report reveals Tyrese Gibson’s emotions. He is upset because the mother was given custody in 2014, which he thought was unfair. Norma Gibson’s apparent disrespect for court child-care orders exacerbated this mentality.

Norma Gibson left her 11-year-old daughter with a residential community acquaintance in early January to travel abroad. Tyrese says in a recent court petition that Norma “mortgaged” his daughter’s custody to her friend before her international trip. This arrangement was designed to protect the youngster while she was away.

In an uncommon move, Tyrese Gibson said he would keep his child while her mother was abroad, ensuring her safety. The problem is difficult even with his help. Norma left for various reasons, leaving their daughter without much care. Their situation encompasses parental duties and their daughter’s emotional needs beyond laws.

Their custody struggle involves parental loyalty, court skirmishes, and post-divorce complications. Their story shows the delicate balance between personal rights, familial duties, and life-changing decisions.

Norma Gibson Physical Appearance

Height5 feet 7 inches
Eye ColourBrown
Hair ColourBlack
Hair TypeCurly
Body Measurements35 – 29 – 36

The Whole Tyrese Gibson’s ex-wife, Norma Gibson

Norma Mitchell’s relationship with Tyrese Gibson sparked media attention. Their love made Norma a celebrity. This was Norma Gibson’s second marriage to Tyrese Gibson, following her divorce.

As Tyrese Gibson’s wife, Norma Gibson was a key presence in his life. Her journey, which overlapped with Tyrese’s, was full of intrigue and curiosity, echoing across fame and attracting many who wanted to understand their relationship.

Norma’s second marriage began with conflict and sorrow. Domestic abuse, confrontations, quarrels, and continuous harassment tore apart her first marriage. Norma had no choice but to divorce her first spouse since respect eluded her and disputes kept coming up. This life-changing decision led to a new chapter with Tyrese Gibson.

The story of their partnership revealed earlier struggles. Though hopeful and committed, their second marriage finally succumbed to the difficulties of human bonds. Their shared history, expectations, and experiences endanger their partnership.

Marriage to Tyrese Gibson in 2007 produced Shayla Gibson.

The birth of their child, a symbol of new beginnings, did not prevent their eventual divergence. The couple faced a crossroads a few months after their baby was born when their links began to break. The agonising decision to part ended a chapter of shared goals and aspirations.

In retrospect, the narrative of Norma Mitchell and Tyrese Gibson shows the intricate fabric of relationships, including the highs of connection, the lows of struggle, and the deep impact that personal choices can have on two interwoven lives.

Where Is Norma Gibson Now?

Following her custody dispute with the “Fast and Furious” actor, Norma Gibson wished to remain anonymous. Her ex-husband began a new chapter in his life in 2017 when he wed Samantha Lee once more. But Tyrese and Samantha Lee’s marriage soured, and in December 2020, following the birth of their daughter Soraya Lee Gibson, they filed for divorce.

Star of “Family Matters,” Jaleel White, makes an onstage appearance in a tribute to Tyrese and Norma Gibson. He had a difficult custody dispute with his ex-partner, Bridget Hardy, throughout his journey. But time has altered their narrative, leading to shared responsibility. Raising their daughter Samaya White, Jaleel White and Bridget Hardy co-guardians confront the challenges of life.

A recurring theme in their narratives is the intricate connection among individual adversities, judicial systems, and interpersonal connections. These tales aptly depict the human condition, in which the decisions and issues of one individual impact a multitude. Their experiences demonstrate the difficulties of blended families, the need for equilibrium, and the path to success through hardship.


Q1. Who’s Norma Gibson?

A1. In London’s embrace, Norma Mitchell breathed her first breath, weaving her experiences from Israel.

Tyrese’s ex-wife, a chapter,

Her journey unfolds amid joy and tribulation.

Q2. What caused Norma and Tyrese Gibson’s divorce?

A2. The lovely vows of love were spoken in 2007.

Shadows came, breaking peace.

Many accused of torture and anguish.

A legal struggle left scars and stains.

Q3. What does Norma Gibson look like?

A3. The graceful 5’7″ woman weighs 117 pounds and has a delicate embrace.

Charming brown eyes and wavy brown hair

A visual caress exposed her essence.

Q4. How did Tyrese meet Norma?

A4. Their souls took fire in 2002, as fate conspired in London streets.

Love grew, decisions were made, and they moved to Los Angeles.

Q5. What occurred in their daughter’s custody battle?

A5. A story about courts, emotions, and conflict, featuring Shayla in the midst of life.

The topic of custody disputes is a difficult one with many complexities.


London’s embrace ignited Norma’s tale of love with Tyrese and shadows.

The story of custody fights and its complicated rhyme resonates across time.

She stands gracefully at 42, with brown eyes and a quiet embrace.In the darkness, she finds peace, as love’s illusions fade.Tyrese embarks on a new chapter, navigating Love’s twists and turns.Norma, now anonymous. A poignant ending to her turbulent drama.

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